Make it gleam

We put up our first Christmas tree this last week. I’m relishing in the joy of Christmas decorations and the pervading warmth that streams from the lights, the ornaments, the nativity, and the continuous Christmas tunes that waft throughout our house. Mmm, Christmas time just warms my heart.

Today I was gazing at our tree, as I often do during the day, and realized Christmas is what we make it. Life is what we make it.Make it gleam

Our Christmas tree is beautiful to me, because of the ornaments we hand-picked and thoughtfully placed. Our Christmas tree is dazzling because of the strands of beads we carefully strung around the tree. Our Christmas tree gleams because of the lights carefully arranged throughout the tree.

But without all our effort, our Christmas tree is just a tree. An ordinary tree that perhaps wouldn’t stand out in a crowd. It is what we did with the tree that makes it beautiful, dazzling, and gleaming with beauty.

My life may seem rather ordinary, and perhaps it is, but it’s what I’m doing each day that makes it gleam even more. The giggles I embrace, the prayers I say, the smiles I gift to others, the compliments I give my husband, the grace I extend to myself and others, all add a special gleam, a special dazzling effect to my life.

The more we invest and enjoy; the more willing we are to let our personality gleam and shine, the more our tree of life will gleam.

“Life is not always perfect, but it’s always what you make it. So make it count, make it memorable.”-Unknown

Life is what we make it, what we put into it. If life gives you a tree–decorate it–make it gleam.

How have you tried to make the most of your life? What is your favorite part of the Christmas season? Or how does Christmas revive you spiritually? As always, I would love to hear your thoughts!

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14 thoughts on “Make it gleam

  1. I think your tree is beautiful! And I love this message–life really is what we make it. Happiness isn’t found in what life gives us, but in what we put into it every day. Every time I look at our tree I’ll think of this post. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Chelsi! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I completely agree, we can’t expect others to make our life. We make our life great by what we bring to it each day. Thank you for sharing and I hope your Christmas season has been filled with happiness already πŸ™‚


  2. What a way to warm our hearts! I am so thinking of the Charlie Brown Christmas tree right now… you know the scrawny one that fell over with a single ornament? That is how I sometimes feel … but you are right, we should gleam. We are beautiful in God’s eyes… and through our actions we can leave a little beauty in other’s lives too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can relate to the Charlie Brown Christmas tree you are talking about, Kim! Some days it is hard to put anything on our trees, but slowly and surely we accumulate a beautiful gleam. You are so right, we are beautiful in God’s eyes, always. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Kim! πŸ™‚


  3. Your tree is so pretty! I love seeing some of those familiar ornaments on your tree. Thanks for posting this picture! Thanks for the reminder about life is what we make of it. I am currently very tired and not sure I have the energy to put up and take down decorations this year. But since we spend so much time in our home it will probably feel more like Christmas if I do! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Mom! The tree we have is almost the same as our tree, so it has made me feel right at home. I’m so glad you always gave us ornaments, so that now we have plenty on the tree that are familiar to me. πŸ™‚ Love you and I’ll be interested to hear if you end up putting up the decorations or not!


    • I’m so glad you enjoyed this post, Natalie! πŸ™‚ It is something I need to hear often, too. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I hope you are enjoying the holiday season!


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