Our greatest teammates

It is becoming more and more regular that Parker and I barely see Sam each day. School is picking up speed, and since he is working and going to school, there isn’t much extra time. As he came home the other day after 8 PM, I was simply amazed by him. He greeted our boy with a smile and eagerly started playing with him while eating his dinner. How did he have the energy for that? How after such a long day was he able to come home and still be happy; greeting us like we were the best people on the planet?

My dad and I finger painting together. It made me think of my own dad. As I was growing up, my Dad disliked his job quite a bit. Each day was a sacrifice. Day-in and day-out he got out of bed just after 5 AM and drove an hour to work. Yet still, he came home ready to cheer at my basketball games, praise my accomplishments, and mow the lawn to top it off.

These men amaze me.

Motherhood is hard, very hard. But oh my, so is fatherhood! At times it means going to work when they’d rather be home, waking up to an alarm that doesn’t smile back, and missing milestones they wish they could see.

I know my role as a mother would be nearly impossible without Sam.  And vice versa. His role as a father would be remarkably harder if I was not a steady influence at home.

Sam hiking with Parker on his back, asleep in a baby carrier.We were made to be a team. We both do better when we are together.

So here’s to the best teammate I’ve ever had. To the man who gives our son everything he has to offer. To the man who works when he’d much rather be making memories together. To the man who encourages and loves me.

How have the men in your life blessed you? What do they do each day that amazes you?

20 thoughts on “Our greatest teammates

  1. Oh what a beautiful tribute to both your father and husband!! This really made me think of my own dad, who also did not love his job. However, I have very few memories of him leaving for work. They are instead filled with all the hours he spent playing with us. Thanks for the journey down memory lane today!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are welcome! Trips down memory lane seem to get sweeter and sweeter as the years go by. That is so wonderful you have memories playing with your, Dad! How lucky and blessed we both were to have fun-loving, Dads! 🙂


  2. Thank you for this necessary reminder that fathers play a huge role too. They are often under appreciated. 😦 I am grateful for my husband … and for the way he wakes up and makes breakfast for all of us every morning! Yes I am blessed….thanks for the reminder and the adorable picture of you and your dad with all that fun blue paint!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I have to agree with you on that–I feel like society is slowly downplaying the role of father’s and how indispensable they are. And wow! Talk about a great man you have your life. It is amazing how many things they do for us. Thanks for commenting and sharing about your husband! 🙂


  3. I cannot imagine my life without my dad or my husband! Yesterday my parents came to visit and watching my dad chase my son around the park made me so grateful for his influence in my life, and now my kids’. I completely agree with your comment above, father’s roles are often downplayed in society, and it’s so sad. What a beautiful tribute to your dad and husband. I’m so glad you shared this!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh how sweet that your Dad was chasing your kids around! 🙂 It is so amazing how we grow up and come to appreciate our dad’s more and more. I feel like my life would have been radically different if it weren’t for my dad’s fun-loving influence in my life. And my life currently would be practically a disaster without my husband. They do so much good and create so much stability in our lives. I feel so sad that they are often downplayed, because us women really do need their help! Thank you for sharing your experience!


  4. Oh my, how I love this. What an amazing tribute to your husband and dad. What a gift to have such amazing men in your life. I haven’t found a teammate in a husband yet, but I’ve got a wonderful father and amazing brothers who show me there’s hope. So glad you found your perfect teammate ☺

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are right, it is such a wonderful gift to have great men in our lives who show us the strength and tenderness of men. I know my Dad and brothers have been so instrumental in my life, and were instrumental in helping me realize what I wanted in my teammate. I’m sure you will find yours and when you do, he will certainly be very blessed to have you and your three boys 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you Marla ☺ I sure hope so. But even if I never find him, I know ill be ok. I’ve got the best little teammates in the world with these 3 so I’m good with that. We say, “go team” and talk about how we’re a team all the time and I love it. I got struck out by my last teammate because turns out he was never actually on my team. Just came over to steal some plays. 😉 but we live and learn, and we carry on!

        Liked by 1 person

      • You are so right, your team of 4 is awesome! I love that you do a cheer for your family! “We live and learn, and we carry on”–Love that! Way to go 🙂


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