Another little one

Well, I’m not always great with intro’s, so I’ll just cut to the chase. If you haven’t already seen on social media– I’m pregnant with our next little one! We are so happy to be expecting our next child and for our family to be growing. I’m currently 9 weeks along and our due date is the beginning of December. Let the adventure begin!

Parker studying so he'll be ready to be a big brother :)

Parker studying so he’ll be ready to be a big brother πŸ™‚

This will be an update on my first trimester symptoms and how things have been going in general. If it seems scatter-brained–it is! and I am. If there are tons of typos, I’m not surprised–that is just my life right now, and I’m not sweating it anymore. πŸ™‚

This pregnancy has already been very different than Parker’s. Before I got pregnant, I thought I had pregnancy [for me] figured out. Don’t ask me why I thought that, it makes no sense to me now. But no, there seems to be no sort of pattern. With Parker, I just craved Taco Bell alllll the time and some foods didn’t sound that great. This pregnancy? Whole. different. ball game.

This pregnancy for whatever reason is much harder. I was slightly sick before I got a positive test and up through week 5. Then at week 6, it was like that little embryo in my body kicked one huge switch and took the nausea up 20 notches. It’s just nausea all the time–it’s my constant buddy.


The highlight of the first 2 months.

Generally, when I think about opening the fridge, my stomach churns. When I actually have to open the fridge, I try not to breath or look. When I open the pantry, I hold my breath and try not to look. When I think of food, I do it quickly and then stop. With Parker’s pregnancy I started gaining wait soon, with this one, I keep loosing. Of course there are some easier days, and some that are worse, but that’s the average day.

At first I was just eating anything with carbs, cheese, and butter. Now that sounds disgusting and fresh Mexican food sounds best.Β  As far as liquid, I started hating water around week 5 or 6. It tasted bad. So, I went on a sprite kick, then on a crystalite kick, now I’m transitioning to ice cold water. Can anyone say, hormones?!

I feel like Heavenly Father is helping me more than I can say right now. He is carrying me through this overwhelming, beautiful, and drowsy time in life.

Also, the bloating. WOW. I didn’t know that was a thing in pregnancy. With Parker I didn’t bloat. But this time, I definitely have. This is me at 5 weeks or wait… 5 months?? IMG_20150409_195505499_HDRI started getting nervous that I was actually growing that fast. I had heard people say that many women start showing earlier with subsequent pregnancies. But, then I realized it was very temporary and was just intrigued with how much my body fluctuates during pregnancy.

But, there is the light! The light that there will be a baby and that hopefully this will let up in just a couple weeks. In the mean time, Sam has been great. He cooks, he does the laundry, he does the dishes, and he goes along with letting me get the random foods that sound like I could stomach them.

Late night runs to get soft serve.

Late night runs to get soft serve.

Overall, I am so happy in a deep way. Not always do I feel like grinning ear to ear. But, I really am grateful for the experience. I am grateful for the sickness, in that it confirms each day that I am still pregnant and that things are going well. I feel so grateful for my body and its ability to take part in the creation of a body for the precious spirit that will soon join our family. Our bodies truly are a magnificent creation.

21 thoughts on “Another little one

  1. Oh, Marla! Congratulations! I think I did have a premonition after all, didn’t I? I’m so very thrilled for all of you! And don’t knock yourself, you are looking FINE!


    • Thank you so much, Torrie! And yes, you guessed it a while ago. We were actually still trying at that point, but I was already talking like we had more. You were very perceptive πŸ™‚ And thank you, I am just so happy to be pregnant and hopeful that I’ll feel better soon! Thank you for sharing in the joy!

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  2. Oh, man! I don’t envy you your nausea, but I am so happy for you! Congratulations!! I remember appreciating feeling sick too though because it means your hormones are doing what they need to be doing. With my first, I didn’t show until i was 7 1/2 months along, with my second, I popped right out by 10 weeks! You look gorgeous, keep taking care of yourself!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tarynn, Isn’t it crazy how each pregnancy is so different? It is blowing my mind! Thank you for your kind words and I’m sorry my reply is SOOOOO late! I guess that’s 1st trimester for ya? And yes, I have already popped, and it feels much sooner than with my first. I keep wondering if I’m further along than I am, but I don’t think that is the case, haha! πŸ™‚ Thanks again for the congrats!

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  3. Oh wow! πŸ™‚ I am so happy for your family. I hope you do feel better soon – but yes, in the meantime, hang in there, and rest up! I had so much nausea with my second AND third pregnancies… I thought it would never end. But it does, and soon, you do look back with fondness.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kim, thank you so much for your sweet, understanding words. I feel like I’m already starting to look back with fondness. Thankfully the 1st trimester is mostly behind me and I am feeling much more myself. That nausea in the beginning really does bond you to your baby and I feel grateful for the trial, even though it was very difficult in the moment. Thank you for your encouragement! πŸ™‚


  4. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I’m so happy for you!! Parker looks like he will be well-studied for December. And you look great, Marla! But I hope the nausea gets better soon. Water has been the worst for me too with all four. funny how something so simple and needed can become your worst enemy. Our bodies are truly amazing though, and I can’t wait to hear more about this new little one!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Chelsi!! Ah, as I sat down to reply to your comment I all of a sudden realized–You are SO close!!! Ah! πŸ™‚ I’m excited for you. I hope things are going well. And I am feel much more myself and a whole lot less nauseous, which I am grateful for. So far so good, I am just excited to find out the gender soon at the end of the month. πŸ™‚ I hope you are doing well, my friend!


    • Thank you so much, Tiffany! We are so excited and just like you said the morning sickness is fading and is being replaced by some more late night feelings πŸ˜‰ Thank you for your words of encouragement! I hope you are doing well!

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