When life looks bleak

Many of you know that mid-September and October were difficult for our family. We were told we needed to move in one month, but we were having a difficult time finding another place to live. Things kept falling through, while my anxiety started to rise through the roof.

Moving was a serious roller coaster. I remember readers commenting about how everything would work out; how there was beauty and happiness in store. But honestly, at the time I wasn’t seeing the glimmer; I wasn’t seeing the break in my stormy skies. All I saw was bleak and grey.

When life looks

But, now I sit here and am writing from the other side–the break in the clouds. I’m writing as we are one week away from moving into the house we originally wanted–the house we were hoping all along to get into. I’m awestruck.

It all worked out. The clouds broke. The sun glimmers now.

Sometimes it really doesn’t seem like things will work out or there is happiness ahead. When people say it will work out their words almost seem cliché, detached, or fake. At least that is how I felt. Do they really understand? Do they see the storm clouds in my sky and how ominous they look?

But, if this experience has taught me something, it is that the clouds really do break and the sun really does shine again. There are greater things in store for us than we can imagine being possible. Maybe the sun doesn’t shine in the exact way we imagined, but it does shine. It shines bright. All because there is a loving Heavenly Father who is aware of us–who is guiding our path through this sometimes bleak, grey life.

Two months ago, I didn’t think I would be where I am today, painting our house and preparing to move in. But, here it is and my skies are bright.

“God is in your corner. Everything will work for our good.”

Jeffrey R. Holland

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22 thoughts on “When life looks bleak

    • Thank you so much, Karen! You put it perfectly–it is definitely a weight off my shoulders, well at least once we are all the way moved on Saturday! And yes, I’m so looking forward to living in our first home this holiday season. 🙂 Thanks!


  1. I am so with you on this….if I have learned nothing in the past year, I have learned that it’s always darkest before the dawn (how’s that for a cliche?)…..It’s been a long road for us over here, but we’ve broken through and though I still can’t believe it, we’re actually going to come out ahead in the end…..a little more weary, a little more tired, a little bit older, but definitely ahead. I’m so glad you’re having the same experience over there and I’m super glad your time of trial didn’t last as long as ours did. And now….onward and upward for both of us!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha Torrie, I totally agree with you though, sometimes it is really the darkest before the dawn. And you know, I’ve beginning to think there must be something to all those cliche sayings… overused because they are true!? 🙂 And I am so happy for you and your family–so happy that your moving adventure will come to a close. Isn’t it amazing how often we are waiting, but in reality God is just preparing a better ending for us? I’m so glad to hear things have worked out well for you. I imagine that you are thoroughly looking forward to slowing down, enjoying this holiday season, and drinking in the stability of it all–at least I know I am. 🙂 Cheers to things working out in the end!


    • Your Grandma was a wise woman! I love that saying and I believe it is so true! This experience has definitely taught that to me again. Having everything work out in the first place would not have brought this great sense of gratitude and satisfaction that I now have. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! 🙂


  2. Not only do the clouds break to shine the sun…the sun is always shining behind them. No matter how thick they may appear, the sun is always there. Even on the darkest of days, we must remember this. So happy for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hagen–your comment has left me thinking for the last day. How true your comment is! Even though it appears that things aren’t working out and we are alone, we really are not. “No matter how thick they may appear, the sun is always there.” What a beautiful thought you articulated. I so appreciate you opening my mind to this thought. I’m so glad you stopped by my blog and hope you will again 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my, you are so right about that!! This last 2 months I’ve often felt like a pressure cooker… about to explode with the stress! But, it has turned out to be a refiners fire, and I feel like I have been given the opportunity to learn a lot of lessons. Things are turning out better than I could have dreamed. Thank you, Velle! 🙂


  3. I’m thrilled for you, Marla! I’m so glad you are able to move in and that the clouds finally broke. You are so right… Those words do often feel fake and detached, like those people saying them have no idea what it is you’re facing. But God really does always have a plan in store. And maybe we won’t fully understand why things happen the way we do until we are on the other side. But for now I’m so happy you found your answers and a place to call home, just in time to decorate for holidays! 🙂

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    • Thank you so much for sharing in my joy, Chelsi! It has been a hard couple of months, but I do feel like I’m coming out stronger and firmer in my faith in God. I keep thinking back to that talk by Pres. Uchtdorf (of course! ha!) about seeing the End from the Beginning. Now looking back I can see how God was moving around the puzzle pieces and bringing everything together, but before it all looked like a mess. And yes, I’m about to bubble over with contentment just thinking about being moved into our first home just in time to decorate for the holidays. 🙂


  4. Oh it is good to hear you are seeing the light through the clouds. God certainly comes through brightest when we least expect it. What a gift to find a home for your little family … and the one you wanted too. 🙂 I will be praying the move will go well!

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    • Thank you so much, Kim, for your thoughtful words. It is so true, that it is often when we have given up hope entirely, that God comes through and shows us how beautiful things can be, as well as all He has prepared for us. It has been such a blessing to see the miracles during this time. Thank you for your prayers! We are hoping the move goes well this Saturday! 🙂


    • Thank you so much, April! Its wonderful to know of someone who understands moving lots and the sheer desire just to feel stable and settled. 🙂 Thank you for your words, it is wonderful to have things falling into place!


  5. Oh goodness, I so relate! When we sold our house nothing seemed like the right fit for our family, so we ended up living with extended family through part of our search. I had to force myself to look at it as a wonderful adventure/opportunity, instead of a challenging obstacle. Now, we’ve found the “perfect” place and are so excited to be moving in a couple weeks. I completely understand how hopeless it feels when nothing is coming together. Glad it worked out for you and your family! Look forward to following your blog, too!

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    • Oh wow! You totally do understand, Olivia! It is so hard to be in the middle of finding a place to live. I can relate to trying to be positive about it all, but struggling to see the beauty in the “adventure.” I am SO happy for you that you found a perfect place for your family and that you get to move soon! What a relief!! I’m also glad we could connect! Thank you for stopping by my blog! 🙂


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